Letter to the editor — March 11, 2016

Dear editor:

I read with interest the article in Tuesday’s lola paper, “Obstacles emerge for tech ed center.”

Ray Maloney has offered the use of two great buildings at the old Diebolt facility in LaHarpe at very little cost for a tech ed school for the area schools. With the potential for such a tremendous gift to the community, a few questions come to mind. 

Jack Koehn USD 257 school superintendent quoted in the article about the “Obstacles.” References were made to a potential cost of $150,000 for potential renovation. This was given as a possibility by one contractor for classes to be held.

It seems feasible that with the possibility of such a great benefit coming from such a school, that research could have been made by now that let everyone know the cost, and what it would take to make this a possibility. 

Three phase electricity was mentioned as a possible need in the article, and yet may not even be required. Other schools don’t have it, and apparently are doing fine. 

Westar energy supplies the utilities to the rural LaHarpe area, and may bring in the three-phase cheaply, or even free for such an operation.  

Has anyone checked with them?

Also can volunteer help be used in such things as installing welding hoods for welding class, etc. 

The problem is that no one seems to know what any of this is going take to make this happen. Surely there are some minimum requirements that could be found quickly, to get the ball rolling on this school outreach. School districts from Humboldt, lola and Moran are coming together to help their students. Local colleges are involved also. Surely the divided cost could be minimal for such a great return.  

This school would be a benefit to our students, our local businesses, and our own community.

To those who have not seen the potential school buildings, I would encourage them to visit the previous Diebolt facility for a possible tour, or to see the buildings available. One of them is the previous office and store, with over 10,000 square feet. The other sits nearly directly behind it with nearly 19,000 square feet.  

These building are in great shape. The larger of the two even has heated floors in part of it.

Ray Maloney has a heart for the students in this area that have desire for tech ed, and has offered a very generous gift to this community.  In that interest, surely at least a few classes could be developed to start shortly, possibly in the fall. It is to our benefit to move quickly and make this possibility a reality.  I encourage the school board and Superintendent Koehn to do this research quickly and help this develop.

The Rev. Tom Bevard

